Dr. Kari Cobb
Healing Point Acupuncture, LLC

About Me

I feel honored to have found my calling of being an acupuncturist.  Years ago, I had some surgeries that resulted in nerve damage.  The surgeons told me to give it time, and "maybe" it will heal.  I wanted more.  Someone recommended that I try acupuncture.  I did and was blown away by the results.  I no longer have any nerve pain or paresthesia (numbing/tingling).  I felt that there must be others out there who had similar experiences to me.  I felt people ought to know about the potential benefits of acupuncture, so I went back to school and got my Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine, and then later my Doctorate in Chinese Medicine.

Over the years, I have worked in private clinics  and hospitals. I also worked over two years as a military contractor, providing pain management, opioid reduction and PTSD treatments to active duty soldiers.

I would like to share my passion for health and wellness with others and would like to be of service to others on their journeys in life.  Health problems can be challenging and I am here to be supportive in whatever way I can. 

Feel free to contact me regarding your health care concerns. 

In Wellness,

Dr. Cobb
